The plan provides discounts at certain healthcare providers for medical services. The member is obligated to pay for all healthcare services, but will receive a discount from those health care providers who have contracted with the Discount Medical Plan Organization:
Alliance HealthCard of Florida, Inc. P.O. Box 610810 Dallas, TX 75261 1-888-719-9990
You have the right to cancel your membership at anytime. If you cancel your membership within 30 days of receiving your membership card and the membership materials, you are entitled to a full refund of your membership fees. Please notify the plan operator to obtain any refund due. Any complaints should be directed to Alliance HealthCard.
ChiroHealthUSA – PLUS:
This discount medical, health and drug plan is NOT insurance, a health insurance policy or a Medicare prescription drug plan.
The Plan provides discounts for certain medical services, pharmaceutical supplies, prescription drugs or medical equipment and supplies offered by providers who have agreed to participate in The Plan. The range of discounts for medical or ancillary services offered under The Plan will vary depending on the type of provider and products or services. The Plan does not make and is prohibited from making members’ payments to providers for products or services received under The Plan. The member is required and obligated to pay for all discounted prescription drugs, medical and pharmaceutical supplies, services and equipment received under The Plan, but will receive a discount on certain identified medical, pharmaceutical supplies, prescription drugs, medical equipment and supplies from providers in The Plan. The Plan is operated by Alliance HealthCard of Florida, Inc., P.O. Box 610810, Dallas, TX 75261. You may call 1-800-220-7752 for more information or visit our provider lookup for a list of providers. The Plan will make available before purchase and upon request, a list of program providers and the provider’s city, state and specialty, located in the member’s service area. The Plan does not offer a discount on hospital services. The fees for The Plan are specified in the membership agreement. The Plan includes a 30 day cancellation provision.