As you head out to picnics this weekend, take this tasty treat.
Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Bites
2 medium ripe bananas (more if you want to make a bigger batch, 2 bananas makes about 24)
1/4 cup of creamy nut butter (I prefer regular peanut butter)
3/4 cup baking chocolate (I use dark chocolate chips)
1 1/2 tablespoons of coconut oil
1. Cover your cookie sheet with parchment (or wax) paper.
2. Slice the bananas into thin slices that look like little discs. Spread half of the pieces onto your cookie sheet.
3. Spread the peanut butter onto each slice that is on the sheet then put another disc on top of the peanut butter. It will look like a mini peanut butter sandwich.
4. Place into freezer for approximately 30 minutes or until frozen.
5. Put the coconut oil into a microwave-safe bowl and microwave until melted. Then stir in the chocolate chips and continue to microwave until smooth. Be careful not to burn your chocolate.
6. Using a spoon, cover each banana bite in chocolate then place back in the freezer for 1 hour.
7. Store in the freezer and thaw a few minutes before eating.

Remember if you double your bananas to make more to double the rest of your ingredients!
Enjoy, these will be the hit of any picnic this summer.