Natural Steam Oils for a Stuffy Nose

What You will need…

-5-10 drops of eucalyptus, tea tree oil, or a combination
-A heatproof bowl
-Boiling water
-A towel


*Note… Please use caution when working with hot water and steam as both can cause damage. Also, some find that too much essential oil will make their eyes water so begin with a small amount.

Place oils in the bottom of a bowl and pour several cups of boiling water into the bowl. Remaining at a comfortable distance, drape a towl over your head and slowly lean your face over the bowl, trapping the steam inside the towel. Resurface as needed if you become to warm. Be sure to have tissues near by to blow your nose as congestion is loosened and relieved. You can repeat this 2-3 times daily and adjust the amount of oil to your preference.