Pain after a car accident could indicate an injury. It’s always wise to go to the emergency room after a forceful, traumatic event to the body. Issues such as herniated discs, fractures, concussions and more could be a real problem.

But once you are cleared from the ER, seeing a chiropractor after a car accident is also wise. Even if you’re not experiencing any pain at the moment, be aware that as time passes, pain and discomfort can show up weeks, months or even years after. Your body just survived a heavy impact, and car injuries can be hidden.
Chiropractors are trained to assess and detect injuries that could affect range of motion, joint or nerve function, muscle strength, pain and more. After a car accident, Dr. Julie can create a care plan that is personalized and specific to you and your injuries. She will make recommendations that will be both proactive and preventative so that your body will recover quickly and correctly. Her goal is to make sure you find restored health and live free of pain.
If you or someone you know has been in a car accident, or some other traumatic event that could affect your body, contact Choose Life Wellness Center today. We specialize in car accident injuries and the side effects that often accompany them.