Below are 2 easy exercises that can help alleviate a tight neck:
1. seated neck release: sit comfortably crisscrossed on the floor or in a chair with both feet on the ground and extend your right arm next to your right knee. Place your left hand on top of your head and slowly (make sure to do this slowly) tilt your head to the left. Apply gentle pressure with your hand to increase the stretch. Slowly bring your neck back to straight and repeat with the other side. You can do this several times to help alleviate tension.
2. Behind the back neck stretch: this stretch can be done anywhere and anytime. Stand with your feet hip distance apart and arms by your side. Reach both hands behind your back and hold onto your right wrist with your left hand. Using your left hand gently straighten your right arm and pull it away from you slightly. Hold for about 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.