Having tight hip flexors are a common problem. The hip flexors tend to tighten when you do a lot of sitting during the day. Below are 2 exercises that can help loosen those muscles.
1. The seated butterfly stretch: this is a simple stretch for your inner thighs, hips and lower back. Starting this stretch you need to be seated on the floor with your back straight, shoulders down, abs engaged, the soles of your feet together in front of you and knees bent to the side. (See Picture below). Then you are going to pull your heels towards you while you simultaneously relax your knees to the floor. Breathe deeply for 10-30 seconds. Remember this shouldn’t cause a lot of discomfort, please don’t bounce or push thighs to the floor with your hands during this exercise.

2. Bridges- this is a great way to give the hip flexors a chance to lengthen while strengthening the posterior chain of the body. To start this stretch lie with your arms at your side, feet on the floor, knees bent. Press into your heels. Exhale slowly and lift hips off the floor toward the ceiling, making sure to squeeze the gluten. Inhale to return to the starting position. Make sure to squeeze the gluten the entire rep and don’t let your behind touch the ground when lowering between reps.